About Me

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“A healer is not someone who heals others. It is someone who heals themselves and inspires others to do the same.”

I have lived the archetype of The Wounded Healer, and as I have navigated this difficult path I’ve collected the best tools along the way. These are the tools I utilize in my practice, and also share with you. My goal is to teach you how to be your own master!

I’ve successfully healed from chronic regional pain syndrome, endometriosis, concussions, depression, sexual trauma, psychosis, suicidal ideation, and hormonal imbalances. Two stories below if you’re interested in learning more.

When I say I empathize with you, it’s because I’ve been there. I understand how dark and painful it can get. I also know there is light at the end of the tunnel, and I can help you get there!!

I’m fascinated by the world and how quantum physics, spirituality, and religion intersect. I strive to be an inspiration, and I would be honored to be a part of your healing journey!!


Being an adventurous and fearless girl can come with consequences…

I never thought one injury could have such a drastic impact on my life, but it did. A spring day on the mountain my life changed forever. A snowboard, a lot of speed, a jump, and a blind landing were the perfect ingredients for disaster.

My leg was shattered, with over 17 fractures requiring emergency surgery. After going into respiratory arrest and another surgery the following day, I mistakenly thought I was over the worst of it. Little did I know my journey was only beginning. 

By the fall of the same year, my leg felt like it was on fire. A pain unlike anything I have ever felt before. I was desperate for answers and spent the next four years going to countless doctors, trying numerous therapies, two more surgeries, and ended up with a diagnosis of “chronic pain” that I was going to have to deal with indefinitely.

It was four years to the day when I found 70% pain relief with a spinal cord stimulator. I was ecstatic to find a solution, although it turned out to be a temporary one. Six years later while skiing in Japan my pain came back in full force. I could barely walk, skiing became unbearable, and I spiraled into a deep depression.

As I now know the darkest of times are the ones that provide the greatest opportunity. My only option was an extremely invasive surgery with no guarantees. I opted to keep looking for other options. The Universe led me to Tammy Cunningham who not only healed me but became my mentor and lifelong guide.

After my first energy healing session with Tammy I began to have an awareness of my leg I never had before. This awareness led to a change in the pain sensation and after only 3 sessions my pain was gone. Just like that, it was gone. Feeling the energy move in my body, and having such immediate results piqued my curiosity. I had to learn more and was eager to begin to study.

I believe the universe put me on this path so I could assist others in their path to health and wholeness. I strive to help others through energy healing, and spiritual guidance.

Sometimes you just have to climb a mountain…

It was in this moment I knew I was going to heal myself from endometriosis.

The next mountain I conquered was that of endometriosis. It was a journey that provided me with great insights. It gave me the strength to know that not only can I heal myself, but with determination, I can climb any mountain!

I was determined to find a noninvasive solution for endometriosis. It was a long road with many obstacles, and I was able to learn a lot about my body and find my inner strength along the way. I utilized all the resources I could find including gynecologists, holistic doctors, acupuncturists, frequency healing, self-directed research, and plant medicine.

The onset of any new symptoms can be one of the most difficult aspects of a healing journey. Especially for a problem that starts as “just” a painful menstrual cycle. Considering an astonishing 1 in 8 women have endometriosis, it still takes on average 7 years for a diagnosis. Please know that periods are NOT supposed to be painful! Pain is in fact your body trying to get your attention that something is not right. (My rant for now…)

It was shocking to me that I was just now, in my thirties, learning about how my body really functioned. In the beginning, all I knew was this pain was not normal, and there must also be a cause and solution to it. I was thankful to have healed from my leg to give me that internal knowing that I could heal from this as well.

I turned to acupuncture and allopathic medicine again to find out the cause and rule out major problems. It was comforting to have a diagnosis, but I really wasn’t satisfied with the treatment options presented by these doctors. I didn’t feel heard when I expressed birth control was not an option for me, and surgery was absolutely the last resort option.

It quickly became clear that it was up to me to heal. Shifting into a healing mindset was step number one. The highest possible return on investment of any therapy I’ve ever had is a gratitude journal. I committed to 30 days and thus my trajectory was set on healing and progress, shifting away from defeat and pain.

Along, with my journal, I was asking my guides for help and God provided. I was introduced to the Healy with a complimentary distance healing session. After this session, I went from submitting to yet another day in bed with a heating pad to being able to bike to a friend’s house and feeling okay. Since my only other option at this time was surgery, I decided it would be well worth the investment to get a device.

It rarely is a bad decision to invest in yourself and your health. The Healy was no exception. The picture above was taken 3 days after I received my Healy where I was able to climb the Grand Teton on my cycle. I still had some pain, but I had energy and was It was a game-changing moment. It was right then and there standing on top of the world that I knew I was going to heal myself.